Notice Board



Math o gyfyngiad/Type of restriction:Cau’r ffordd yn gyfan / Full Closure
Hawliau Tramwy Cyhoeddus / Public Rights of Way: 
Rhif y Ffordd/Road no: Footpath no:C0061
Dyddiad ac amser/
Dates and times:
9am-5pm ar /on 8 August 2024
Ymgeisydd:/Applicant:MJ Quinn / Openreach
Gwaith:/Works:Replace 2 poles in the verge.
Caniatáu mynediad i gerbydau’r gwasanaethau brys / Emergency Vehicle Access Provision:Bydd ar gael / Will be maintained  
Caniatáu mynediad i eiddo o fewn y cyfyngiad / Access to Properties within the restriction Provision:Bydd ar gael / Will be maintained
Byddwn yn rhoi gwybod i drigolion cyn cau / Residents will be notified prior to closure:Byddwn (wythnos o flaen llaw) / Yes (A week before the closure begins)

This week is National Blood Donor Week!❤️🩸 10th – 16th JUNE 2024

Did you know, one donation can save up to 3  people’s lives!

Please help @WelshBloodService by sharing this message or booking a lifesaving appointment today⬇️



I blame my wife Moira, she spotted the advert for a vacancy on the council and stated that after living in Tredomen for over 40 years it was about time ‘I put something back into the community’  A quick phone call to Delyth (clerk to the council) to check what I might be letting myself in for resulted in me submitting the application. To my delight, I was co-opted onto the council just over a year ago and joined ten fellow councillors under the chair of Ceri Morgan and a wonderfully efficient clerk, Delyth Rowlands.

We meet monthly. either at Llanfilo. Llandefalle or Maes y Berllan to discuss and agree our response to a variety of topics. The community council has limited authority itself but can refer bigger issues, along with our views, to Powys County Council for example.  The Pont-y-Bat cross-roads scheme is a typical ‘refer-to-higher-authority’ issue.

We have a small budget, which is used carefully, on a variety of local projects/tasks and small donations to good causes, especially local ones. 

A regular agenda item is ‘Planning Applications’  On the majority of cases, the community council is supportive of applications and only ‘baulks’ when we are confronted with something that raises an eyebrow, due to the potential of  a development adversely impacting the community and  inhabitants. There is a council planning sub-committee which is called into action and examines, in depth what, we feel, the impact of the development would be. Our views are then passed on to the county planning committee. 

The best source of information about the Community Council is via our website. Here you can access meeting details, including minutes, attendance records, expenditure etc. 

Finally, I was asked to provide some personal background information :  In my dreams I scored the winning try for Wales in a grand-slam year ! Alas, nothing so grand however,…………. I was born in Aberdare many, (too many) moons ago and after qualifying as a teacher , began a career in outdoor pursuits. This led to a move into development training in industry (Rolls Royce) and then onto  consultancy in leadership development and change management  for nearly 40 years. The latter role often meant travelling to ‘far-flung’ destinations around the world. Great experiences ……….but it was always nice to head home to my family in Tredomen.  ……………and.maybe in time to play rugby for Brecon or, more importantly: turn out for the infamous Felinfach cricket team !  The latter often involved picking a cricket ball out of a cow-pat ahead of some serious post-match refreshment in the ‘old’ Griffin before trying to work out how we might all get home ………

Please do get in touch if you would like an issue raised before the Council. 

Steve Shepstone 



Have you got what it takes to be an On-Call Firefighter?

A yw’r rhuddin ynoch i fod yn Ddiffoddwr Tân Ar Alwad?

Have you got what it takes to be an On-Call Firefighter?: Experience Day Newtown

Mid and West Wales Fire and Rescue Service are running an Experience Days at Newtown Fire Station on the 7th February 2024, 10am – 1pm.

The Aim of our 3-hour Experience Days is to give people the opportunity to find out more about the various roles and entry requirements within the fire service, and the wider role that the fire service plays in the community, including:

– The role of a modern-day firefighter
– Trying on the firefighting kit and equipment
– The various aspects of the recruitment process
– The importance of fitness and maintaining fitness
– The various types of equipment and PPE
– Career pathways and role maps

It’s the perfect opportunity to see what Firefighting all is about!


For more information visit: Experience Days – Mid and West Wales Fire and Rescue Service ( 

To book your place visit: Experience Day- Give it a Go – Become a Firefighter Tickets, Wed, Feb 7, 2024 at 10:00 AM | Eventbrite

🔥 #BeAFirefighter #YouCan #WeNeedYOU 🚒

Contact Information

Lily Evans
Digital Marketing Officer
Mid and West Wales Fire and Rescue Service




Powys Dyslexia Support Group

Due to circumstances beyond our control, Powys Dyslexia Support Group will cease to operate from 21stMay 2022 and the Face Book Page will no longer be updated or monitored.

For information relating to Dyslexia the organisations listed below may be useful.

Tutors and  Assessors

Bangor University Assessment Centre

British Dyslexia Association tutor List :

Dyslexia Guild Tutor List:

Patoss Tutor List :

Specific  Learning Differences Standards Committee tutor list :

Exam Access Arrangements

Access Arrangements, Reasonable Adjustments and Special Considerations for exams and tests and applies to most of the awarding bodies (Reviewed Yearly)

Exam Guidance for National Tests

AQA | Exams admin | Special consideration:

SEN Code of Practise for Wales: ( reviewed yearly)

Other Organizations


Dyslexia Action:

IPSEA (Independent Provider of Special Education Advice):

Made by Dyslexia:

Patoss Tutor List :







    WPD’s Community Matters Fund £500,000 fuel poverty fund opens for grant applications       Apply today    
Help us fight fuel poverty.
We are Western Power Distribution (WPD), the electricity distribution network operator for the South West, South Wales and the Midlands. This winter we are launching our new ‘Community Matters’ scheme, a half-a-million pound fuel poverty fund to help families heat their homes this winter.
Tackling fuel poverty is a crucial and immediate priority for us, and as a result, we are calling on local charities, councils and community groups across our network to apply for grants worth up to £10,000 in order to aid their fuel poverty support activities as we enter what will be a challenging winter for many. It is expected that more than 100 grassroots organisations, across our regions, will be supported via the scheme. 
The announcement follows the successful ‘In This Together – Community Matters’ fund, which throughout the COVID-19 pandemic received fantastic support from many MPs and distributed funds to a wide range of charities and community organisations. Separately over the past two years, we have worked with partners to deliver £20 million of direct savings for over 40,000 customers struggling to pay their bills.  The new scheme is the first phase of our annual £1 million community fund, which is provided entirely by the company’s shareholders.
To help guide applications, examples of the types of support we’d consider eligible for the fund are: 
·       Energy tariff/switching advice
·       Energy efficiency guidance and products: Insulation installations, updating heating systems
·       Grant/discount scheme advice
·       Innovation/other to be detailed and impact clearly specified and demonstrated
Applications for the ‘Community Matters Fund’ are welcome from registered charities, community groups and councils within our distribution network area. The application form is available from our website We are welcoming applications up to £10,000 but no funding request is too small.
The closing date for submissions is Monday 22nd November 2021. 
Look out for us on social media #WPDCommunityFund.


COP Cymru 2021 | Freshwater (




Updates on age-friendly communities for members of the Ageing Well in Wales network

Be an Age-Friendly Champion

Help us to make Wales a Wales a nation of age-friendly communities by becoming an Age-Friendly Champion and spreading the word about the Ageing Well Card.

The Ageing Well Cards contain simple messages that can be used to let people know that they might need a little help or support and are provided in a distinctive and practical travelcard wallet. They mean older people can maintain their independence and continue to do the things that matter to them.

Get in touch if you would like to help make sure the cards are widely recognised or if your organisation would like to become more age-friendly.

Did you know?

·      One in three people in Wales will be over the age of 60 by 2025

·      Over 65s spend around £1 in every £5 in the UK

·      Up to £214 million in Pension Credit and other entitlements went unclaimed in Wales in 2016/17. If you think you or someone you know might be eligible, find out more at or contact the Age UK advice line on 0800 678 1602

Making your community more age-friendly

We will soon be running 5 Age-Friendly Communities events across Wales:

·      Welshpool Town Hall on the 18 September

·      Theatr Soar, Merthyr Tydfil on the 10 October

·      Galeri Caernarfon on 16 October

·      Letterston Memorial Hall on 23 October

·      National Waterfront Museum, Swansea on 24 October

For more information, contact the Ageing Well team at or on 03442 640 670.

Making a difference

Is there a cause or issue in your community that is important to you? The Older People’s Commissioner can support groups that include older people to plan and get started on any local campaign.

We can provide free practical advice to help you:

·      Get the information you need

·      Make your campaign stand out

·      Reach the public and media

·      Influence decision-makers

To find out more, or to book a session with your community group, please get in touch.

Have your say about the Wales you want

Our friends at the office of the Future Generations Commissioner are capturing stories, ideas and suggestions about what people want a future Wales to look like and would love to hear from you. You can take part in “Our Future Wales” online at

You can contact the Older People’s Commissioner for Wales at:         

Cambrian Buildings

Mount Stuart Square

Cardiff CF10 5FL

Phone:          03442 640 670



Twitter:         @talkolderpeople


The Older People’s Commissioner for Wales has launched a Facebook page!

Here at the Commissioner’s office, we celebrate the fact that we are living longer, healthier lives and we understand the importance of adding life to years, not just years to life.

Hearing from older people about the things that matter to them most is vital in helping to guide and shape our work and we want to use Facebook as a platform to have an open and honest conversation with older people and stakeholders throughout Wales.

We want to hear from older people about what is working well, and what needs to be improved. We want older people to share their opinions about what it’s like growing older in Wales today and hear their ideas on the best ways to deliver change because by working together, we can help to make Wales the best place in the world to grow older.

If you would like to keep up to date with the Commissioner’s work, feel free to like, follow and share our page here

Written by Brecon Medical Group Practice (27/08/19) and distributed with covering email by: Brecon Medical Practice Patient Participation Group. The aims of our group are to: “strengthen the relationship between the Practice and its patients in continuing to improve its provision of healthcare to the benefit of both”.


Good news for good causes

We know that fundraising is a constant effort for community groups throughout Powys. Loto Powys Lotto has been established to help local organisations and clubs raise much-needed funds. Working with Powys County Council, we have established this ethical lottery as an easy, fun and totally free way for good causes create sustainable, year-round income.

It would be amazing if you could tell the good causes in your area about this opportunity. If you have a parish newsletter, website, social media or other communication methods, Please spread the word about this funding for local groups. Examples of good causes:

  • Sports clubs
  • Charities
  • School PTAs
  • Village halls
  • Social enterprises

Lotto Powys Lotto can help groups raise over £500 a year with just 20 ticket sales a week. There’s no risk, no cost and no administration.

Let’s Get Started

How Do Groups Sign-Up?

Step 1: Go to and register the organisation
Step 2: We’ll review and approve the organisation within 5 days
Step 3: The organisation can selling tickets via our website

For more info check out our factsheet containing some Frequently Asked Questions. Feel free to share this with local groups. 

Happy To Help

If you have any questions call us on 01865 582828, email
or go to:




Felinfach Kiosk

The kiosk situated in the Village in which the defibrillator was housed  in before it was stolen is now empty and is crying out to be used

If anyone has any suggestions on what the kiosk can be used for or be made use of please let us know.

Contact: Delyth on 070971 160396 or e-mail


Carers Allowance is the lowest benefit of its kind at £64.60 per week. It is the main benefit for people caring unpaid for family or friends. We want to see Carer’s Allowance significantly increased for all carers in the UK.

In Scotland, Carer’s Allowance is going up by £8.50 per week, to the same level as Jobseeker’s Allowance. In the short term we want Carer’s Allowance in England, Wales and Northern Ireland to be raised by at least £8.50, to match the changes being made in Scotland.

Carers UK is sending a letter on behalf of the 6.5 million carers in the UK to Secretary of State, Esther McVey, calling for Carer’s Allowance to be raised to the level of Jobseeker’s Allowance

Please add your signature to this petition, you do not have to be a carer, just to care and it only takes a few minutes.

Fairer for Carers

Disposable plastics tax in February 2018

The Welsh Government is always looking for ways to improve delivery of our environmental objectives, and announced our continued consideration of a disposable plastics tax in February 2018. There has been considerable interest in, and support for, a tax on disposable plastics in Wales.

As you may be aware, the Chancellor launched a call for evidence on 13 March to examine how charges or changes to the tax system could tackle the problems associated with single-use plastic waste. We are pleased that HM Treasury are considering this at a UK level and have had constructive discussions with the UK Government that Wales will be fully involved in this process. This includes ensuring we will be able to view responses, contribute to the analysis of the call for evidence and share Welsh views on the development of policy options. Welsh Treasury and Environment colleagues are working closely together and we are committed to both working with the UK Government and continuing to work on a standalone disposable plastics tax for Wales. This remains an option for Wales, seeking to ensure that new taxes meet Welsh needs either alone or alongside the UK Government.

We are writing to you as a Welsh stakeholder to ensure you are aware of the call for evidence and to provide reassurance that any contribution will be considered from a devolved perspective.

The call for evidence looks across the lifecycle of single-use plastics to examine how the tax system or charges could reduce waste. The document is available here: “Tackling the plastic problem: Using the tax system or charges to address single-use plastic waste”.

The deadline for responses to this call for evidence is 18 May 2018 and they should be sent to

UK Treasury are keen to share this information-gathering exercise to anyone with an interest in single-use plastics. Please forward this email to anyone else who might be interested. Any questions about the kind of information that UK Treasury are looking for or about the process as a whole, please contact UK Treasury on the email address provided above.

Should you have any other queries, please contact us on the Welsh Treasury mailbox.

Trysorlys Cymru / Welsh Treasury


Road Maintenance in Llandefalle, Llanfilo & Felinfach

If anyone has any problem with Road Maintenance near them, please contact PCC Highways Dept. 01874 620500 or contact Delyth
email or ring 07971 160396




 A spotlight on tackling loneliness and social isolation among older people

 EnvisAGE is a discussion journal edited by Age Cymru. It aims to explore issues affecting older people, stimulate discussion and share good practice.

In  editions of EnvisAGE, we shine a spotlight on tackling loneliness and social isolation among older people. We look at the reasons for loneliness, and explore a broad range of possible approaches to reducing it to improve well being and quality of life.

Featured articles include:

· No one should have no one – older people’s experiences of loneliness

· Loneliness in later life: what are the risk factors?

· Combatting loneliness amongst older people- prioritise and mobilise!

· The Men’s Sheds movement in Wales – an insight from the Squirrel’s Nest

· OlympAGE Games provides a festival of fun sporting activities for older people

· Gwanwyn clubs: ‘…and now for something completely different!’

· Reducing loneliness and social isolation in older people? The role of the third sector and public policy in Wales

· It’s going to take a new kind of village: addressing loneliness in an ageing population

Sadly, at the beginning of December 2017, the Chair of Age Cymru’s Board of Trustees, Meirion Hughes, passed away following a brief illness. As a member of the EnvisAGE editorial board, Meirion made a significant contribution to the success of the journal. We therefore dedicate this edition of EnvisAGE to his lasting memory.

If you would like more information about EnvisAGE please visit or contact Dr Ceri Cryer




